Our Legal Office’s operations include:
- running of continuous, complex legal services for economic entities
- preparation of legal opinions and reports related to current legal status
- preparation of draft contracts and help with negotiations and consulting of trade contracts
- running of legal cases related to civil, family, penal, economic and labour law
The Legal Office assures complex legal services to individual Customers and legal entities within the territory of Poland. We accept the permanent representation before Common Courts and Public Administration Bodies in the following cases:
We specialize in matters of press law, especially involving: protection against violation of any personal rights of physical persons, organization units not holding legal personality and legal persons, claims seeking satisfaction, indemnity, desistance, apologies of the injured person, mediation to redress a damage.
Representation in front of the public administration authorities in relation to the matters referring to potential registration of the generics with violation of the MRP rules and the security rules, preparation of drafts of license agreements referring to the registration and introduction of medical products in Poland and in Europe, preparation of drafts of agreements referring to the manufacture of medical products, preparation of drafts of agreements referring to the technological scientific – research cooperation in the process of manufacture of medical products, preparation of drafts of agreements referring to clinical research, representation during court and administration proceedings in cases from the scope of unfair competition and violation of the trademark rights.
Representation of the Customer’s interests in penal proceeding is related to the involvement of the Legal Office in all the stages of a penal process, starting from the initiation of preparatory proceedings to obtaining of a valid sentence. The basis for the Customer representation is his or her granting of the power of attorney in a given case and holding of a preliminary talk about
selecting a defense method.
- establishment of companies
- civil and legal contracts related to the activity of companies
- contracts related to trade turnover
- law on public procurements
- broadly-understood civil and legal contracts
- execution of legal audits for entrepreneurs
employment contracts:
- collective work agreements
- management contracts
- competition ban contracts
- rules and regulations of work and remuneration
- collective disputes with employees
- training related to labour law for personnel departments
- divorce proceedings
- affiliation proceedings and denial of paternity proceedings
- claims for alimony
- obtaining licenses and permits issued by public administration bodies
- visas, acceptances and work permits in the Republic of Poland for foreigners
- preparation of opinions
- preparation of claims related to activities/relinquishment of an office and appeals to decisions
- legal help in course of a control run by the revenue-tax authorities
- representation of the Customers’ interests in proceedings before the Supreme Administration Court
- preparation of calls for the voluntary payment of overdue amounts and sending them to debtors
- initiation and running of court proceedings
- initiation and monitoring of progress of executive proceedings
- preparation of the debtor’s claim to initiate conciliatory and bankruptcy proceedings
In case of a Customer’s individual preferences, before the initiation of the court debt collection proceeding, the Legal Office represents the Customer in negotiations with the debtor to settle a dispute by arbitration.